Friday, April 8, 2011

From Homeless to Home

Ryan and I are so excited about helping Cleophis Black get off the streets after 7 years of being chronically homeless while struggling with addiction and mental health issues. It's amazing to see the disbelief on their faces as they are signing a lease for their own home with a front door that locks. "It's been a long time since I had a place to call it's my time." Cleophis made it through detox and treatment and attends follow-up meetings on a daily basis. Thanks so much to all of the organizations that pulled together to make this happen for him: The CORE, Shelter Plus Care Bossier Housing Authority, Renesting Program at Asbury Methodist Church, and last but not least, Fairmount Apartments! What an amazing community we have! We will continue to work with Cleophis to make sure that his transition into housing is successful!


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome experience---to help someone make that transition!! Keep up the great work!!
